Update on Boaz and his flock of sheep

December 29th – Random photo.
Burning brush piles.  Just thought it was a nice photo.
January 2, 2021 – Boaz starting out with the younger ewe lambs.  All is well.
January 15th – Boaz broke his back left leg just above the hock.  Once a week for over a month we had to take him to the vet to change his splint and keep him confined to limit his movements.  Ended up bonding with us more than with the sheep……
February 21st – Boaz back in with the sheep again. Being that he is a growing puppy,  his leg healed very well.    This is what may have happened when he broke his leg.  Thinking he was likely stepped on by accident.  In hindsight,  I think I put him in with the rest of the flock too soon.  Thankfully,  he is much bigger now and sleeping less in the feeders.
Lambing started March 8th this year. Exactly the date I predicted!   I found that if I recorded the date the rams are let in, add 5 months and then subtract 7 days, it would land me within a couple of days of lambing.  No science behind this, just what’s been working for me…
March 19th – For the most part,  Boaz is doing quite well with the sheep.   I’ve been walking the property with him on leash.  He doesn’t have free reign with the sheep as there are still some discipline issues to work through. He remains tethered with the sheep if left unsupervised.  Hopefully,  not much longer!  It’s been a lot of work and stressful at times. Definitely, had our moments, but still optimistic though.
March  23rd – Triplets snuggling with mom.
April 6th
April 12th – Beautiful weather for lambing this year
April 25th
I am quite happy with our crop of lambs this year from our flock of 30 ewes. About a third of them are first-time moms. We sold about 20 of our ewes last year and so I’m hoping to keep some more replacements for this year.

Published by kountrykatahdins

We have a flock of purebred Katahdin sheep both registered and non-registered.

One thought on “Update on Boaz and his flock of sheep

  1. Thank you for the pictures Reiny. Beautiful. Boaz has been a challenge, but he should bond well with the sheep. Karen


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